Tuesday, January 1, 2013



159 kits were provided to 62 departments in 2009
1204 kits were provided to 544 departments in 2010
1357 kits were provided to 594 departments in 2011
1500 kits were provided to 803 departments in 2012
For a Grand Total of 4219 kits were provided to 2002 departments

- The Wag'N O2 Fur Life® Program, previously operated by Wag'N Enterprises®, LLC became its own entity in the summer. It now operates on its own independent website, namely, www.PetOxygenMasks.org

- Independence was initially seeked to run the program as a not for profit organization. After many months spent trying to make it work as such, we decided to withdraw our application with the Internal Revenue Service to maintain the level of service the community has come to expect. IRS requirements meant significantly downgrading operating efficiency. After all these years trying to run an efficient and creative program we decided against it and remain an at cost program under the new name: Wag'N O2 Fur Life®, LLC.

- The new company/organization is a hybrid charitable organization of sorts. Our founder does NOT have a salary. We operate at cost.  Think of it as a hobby that needs to cover its cost in order to keep its wag on. Because we are now an independent entity, costs increased for the program since Wag'N Enterprises®, LLC. is no longer absorbing the brunt of costs (rent, utilities, etc.)

- To keep cost low, the new organization no longer employs a full-time designer or PR team. However, to maintain our high level of personalized customer service we are maintaining our wonderful receptionists to answer your most pressing questions - simply call us at 571.572.9246 -; we added a Frequently Asked Questions Page on the website to cover the very basics and our Founder will of course be at the ready to help you through any custom request you may have throughout the fund raising and/or ordering process online or by phone.

- This transition also allowed us to make slight changes to the kit's contents. We had received many requests for 1 DVD per kit and at least 2 decals per kit. There was enough demand to make it happen. So we did. Each Wag'N O2 Fur Life® kit now includes 2 decals and 1 DVD.

- Need fund raising template cards? We updated the three available versions of the Standard Fundraiser CardNational Fire Safety Month Fundraiser Card and the Holiday Fundraiser Card

- We streamlined the Wag'N O2 Fur Life® Fellowship Program Application Process. As much fun as all the paperwork had been, we made it easier to Apply to and Contribute to. Find out more HERE

- As a result of all these changes, the cost per kit went up to $75.00 + shipping.

- Achievement transparency remains in full force! If you are reading this, you have access to our monthly department acquisition updates. Simply take a look at the right column to view our archived posts since 2009. Yes...that's all of them! We recognize sponsors and department purchases. It's all about YOUR contribution, YOUR time, YOUR service, YOUR dedication to animal welfare and safety. We are just a channel of distribution and training. YOU help us make a difference in pet lives!

So if you feel like writing a guest blog about your fund raising efforts, success stories etc just contact us with the story (300 words max) and pictures (4 max) and we will post it for you on this very blog! Its completely FREE!

Wag'N O2 Fur Life® Fellowship Requests Fulfilled in 2012:

 • Baldwinsville, NY • Belgium Cold Springs Fire Dept • 5 kits
 • Plainfield, IN • Plainfield Fire Territory • 5 kits
 • Rockwell, NC • Rockwell Fire Dept • 2 kits
 • Highland Park, NJ • Highland Park Vol Fire Dept • 4 kits
 • Highlands First Aid Squad • Highlands, NJ • 1 kit
 • Rock Springs, WI • Rock Springs Vol Fire Dept • 2 kits
 • Los Lunas, NM • Los Lunas Fire Dept • 9 kits
 • Hamilton, NJ • Nottingham Ambulance Squad • 4 kits
 • Spartanburg, SC • Una Community Fire Dept • 2 kits
 • Haddon Heights, NJ • Haddon Heights EMS • 3 kits
 • Chester, NJ • Chester First Aid Squad • 2 kits

 • Blacksburg, SC • Blacksburg Vol Fire Dept Flanders • 2 kits
 • Flanders, NY • Northampton Vol Ambulance • 4 kits
 • Vass, NC • Cypress Pointe Fire & Rescue • 3 kits


• In the United States alone, there are 25,947 fire departments and fire protection districts spread out in over 400,000 stations.

• There are 78,258 credentialed EMS vehicles in the U.S.
Source: 2011 survey conducted by the National Association of State EMS Officials.

• 400,000 home fires are reported annually
Source: Published US and Canadian Government Statistics.

• 62% of U.S. households own at least one pet. That equates to 72.9 million pets (minimum) that deserve lifesaving in the event of a home fire or catastrophe. If we add reptile, horse/equine, small animal, and bird ownership to the most common cats and dogs, that's 228.9 million (228,900,000) animals that could be rescued with the use of pet oxygen masks following a residential/office/barn fire. Source: 2011-12 APPA National Pet Owners Survey.


Since its' inception in 2008, the Wag'N O2 Fur Life® has provided pet oxygen masks kits to more than 2002 Fire and EMS departments in the United States. With the help of generous individuals and corporate partners, we estimate that up to 3,400 Fire Departments and 600 EMS Vehicles have now acquired at least 1 pet oxygen mask kit.

While those numbers are impressive, that's just 13.1% Fire Departments and 0.76% of EMS Vehicles in the United States!


Short Term Goal:
Place 1 pet oxygen mask kit in every Fire and EMS Department across North America.

Medium Term Goal:
Place 1 pet oxygen mask kit in every Fire and EMS Vehicle across North America.

Long term goal: 
Sustainability of the program through product development, parts replacement, training and awareness.

As you can see, there is still much more work to do in getting every department outfitted with pet lifesaving oxygen masks. So Lets Get Wag'N!



We still have some work on our hands and look forward to 2013!
Every success story inspires us to continue in the quest to provide every single fire station, ems & K9 unit in the United States and Canada with this animal saving apparatus.

Select an option below to start 2013 in full Wag:
by Sponsoring your First Responders
by Purchasing Pet Oxygen Mask Kits for your department (first responders only)
by Applying to the Wag'N O2 Fur Life® Fellowship Program.
by Helping Wag'N O2 Fur Life Fellow Applicants - Donation of Your Choice OR Gift Full Sponsorship
by Making a Difference Today
by Ordering Additional Parts - For departments and Pet Parents whose pets need In-Home Oxygen Therapy

Thanks to you requests and suggestions we have been able to highly improve our product offerings and services!


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