Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How Do Pet Oxygen Masks Work?

The Dual vents and a rubber mounted 22 mm oxygen adapter enable unrestricted inhalation and exhalation of air. The durable mask is made of polycarbonate.

Masks can be used when the pet is conscious. Simply connect oxygen mask to oxygen supply using the O2 supply tube(see flow chart). Seal the mask over the pet’s mouth and nose. Set appropriate O2 flow rate for pet.

The Masks can also be used if the pet requires rescue breathing. Simply remove the top stopper from the pet oxygen mask and insert Ambu Bag for pressure ventilation (see picture).To prevent over-inflating the lungs you may want to consider using children or pediatric Ambu bags.

Attach Ambu Bag to Top Stopper
1. Patient inhalation
2. Patient exhalation
3. Escape of excess O2 if flow rate is too high.
4. Patient inhalation of supplemental ambient if O2 flow rate is too low.


  1. Are there animal breathing rescue masks for dogs that DO NOT require an attachment to an oxygen tank? One does not have to do that for rescue breathing for humans. You just attach the mask to the person and breathe in through the opening on the mask with your own breath. Are these kind of masks also available for animal rescue breathing?

    thank you

  2. The pet oxygen masks are the veterinary equivalent to the human non-rebreather mask.
    The pet oxygen mask was designed to be used by veterinarians at their clinics. Both can either be hooked up to O2 or to Ambu Bag. Of course you can always perform mouth-to-snout resuscitation without the mask if the animal is not breathing on its own - along with CPR. If you are looking for a face protector we would argue that you can use a regular face shield. However after an incident in which the animal suffers from smoke inhalation, O2 delivery is crucial as it delivers 100% O2 needed by the lungs for recovery versus just air. Hope that helps. Wags.


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